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January 16, 2005

Reading Readiness

Emma loves to open books and make up a story based on the pictures. She will even open a novel or cookbook and tell a story with very few pictures to motivate her.


Yesterday she came up to me and asked if she could read the Bible to Kess, our black lab. She had our little pocket Bible that we take to Sunday School. She sat next to Kess and opened the book and began to read. The story went something like this. In the Bethlehem Star there was a child of red letters. Then they saw the reindeer go on forever and ever. There was a lot more to the story, and lots of repetition. It is so amazing what kids pick up and blend together. Quite fascinating. Kess moaned and rolled over thinking she might get a belly rub.

Posted by jennifer at January 16, 2005 12:07 AM