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August 21, 2005


Have you ever gone on vacation and forgotten your book? So frustrating. This morning as we packed for a week's stay in Yakima I collected everyone's books from bedside tables and end tables. I stacked them up on the kitchen table and was struck by the fact that we each had our own book to take along.


Emma has been listening to Harrison's chapter books for years but has not specifically chosen one for herself. Last week she came to me with Black Beauty. "Read this to me!" I told her I thought it was a little too much for her, but she was determined. After listening to most of the Chronicles of Narnia, Black Beauty by comparison is much easier to follow. The vocabulary is fairly simple and the first person perspective is very engaging.

Looking at that stack of books just filled me with contentment. A family of readers, now isn't that nice.

Posted by jennifer at August 21, 2005 11:17 PM
